Baduriya Central College has an outstanding education system for the primary learners of the society. The primary section of BCC has classes from grade one to grade five. Each grade from one to five include four classes as A, B, C, D and E. Each classes containing about 40 male and female students.In total about 900 students educate in our primary section. Likewise the primary section of BCC is lead by its Vice Principal Mr. M.A.M. Bisru And with the help of around 32 teachers who instruct under him the primary section has proven to have colourful results from the students. Kids all around from mawanella choose Baduriyas primary education to start off their learning journey because Buduriya has been proven to produce amazing scholarship results throughout the years.
For example,in
2021 , number of students passed the schorlarship exams 38
2020 , number of students passed the schorlarship exams 33
2019 , number of students passed the schorlarship exams 43
2018 , number of students passed the schorlarship exams 21
2017 , number of students passed the schorlarship exams 17
And the fact that every year many students outside of mawanella also get admission into the primary section is a highlight to this schools good education system.
likewise baduriya central college has an amazing primary education system to start off your kids education without hesitation.